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Ageing Feet


What problems are associated with ageing feet?

As we age, we naturally develop more problems with our feet due to normal daily wear and tear of joints, but also because the skin starts to become thin and loses its elasticity, as well as becoming dry and more fragile.

Foot pain can be debilitating. As we only have one pair of feet, it’s important to take good care of them. Foot pain can also lead to issues with walking and exercising, which are an important part of health and wellbeing as we age. Additionally, if we have trouble with mobility, this can impact on getting out and about and involvement in social activities, which become ever more important as we get older. As long as we take routine care of our feet, serious problems can usually be avoided. However, ageing can also mean that we develop other conditions, such as diabetes and arthritis, which in some cases can affect the foot and require treatment. Healing may also take longer. 

What are the signs of ageing feet?

If good routine foot care is not practised, feet can start to show signs of ageing at any age, but generally it is most common from your fifties onwards.

General signs of ageing feet include more regular aches and pains, developing bunions, signs of clawing of the toes along with general circulatory problems.

What can I do to reduce the effects of ageing?

Painful and uncomfortable feet aren’t a natural part of growing old or something to put up with.  A lot can be done to improve comfort, relieve pain and maintain mobility. 

What are the treatments?

Treatments depend on which particular condition you are suffering from, e.g. bunions, and therefore the best advice is to visit your local podiatrist if your foot care routine is not alleviating the symptoms.

When should I see an NHS podiatrist?

If you have any foot health concerns and think this may potentially lead to a complication then please consider discussing a podiatry referral with your GP.

If your foot becomes red, hot or swollen, with new pain, with or without a wound please ask your GP to refer you to Podiatry.

This content was produced by the College of Podiatry.

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